Monday, July 15, 2024

is this the [1]?

so last night i saw the counting crows in concert. a bucket list band for me. it took several songs but i slowly moved my way to the front of the crowd. adam started playing a song on the piano i didn’t know. not sure if it was a new song or what but i found myself really moved by the song. listening to the lyrics i thought, wow, adam’s poetry is so perfect.

“in my defense, i had none” 


“we never painted by the numbers, baby, but we were making it count“ 


“if one thing had been different, would everything be different today?”


i typed a few of the lyrics into my phone so i could look it up later….



upon googling the lyrics, i found out the song is in fact a cover. it turns out i’m now among the millions of girls, tweens, teens, women and various other fans that love the song “the 1” from the folklore album by taylor swift….which i’m told is a bit of a deep cut album making me a true fan.



Monday, June 10, 2024

[mourning] cooking

i would always have to call my mom whenever i wanted to make one of her recipes. so a few years back, she digitized all her, her friends, her mother’s, other family members, our neighbors, basically any recipe of any meal or dessert i enjoyed as a kid. she printed them all out and compiled them into a notebook and gave them to me for christmas a few years back.

i misplaced it...



my mom would ask about it and i’d have to admit i hadn’t found it yet.  then, as most of you mom pasted away in november...



this past weekend i finally found it under a pot on a shelf i never use. i immediately turned to my favorite dish, wrote down the ingredients and went to the store.  cooking it and filling the kitchen with its familiar smell was more emotional than planned. having cold leftovers in the fridge, my mom’s favorite, heartwarming.


therapy in a three ring binder.




Saturday, May 11, 2024

northern [exposure]

 all the conditions were right last night to see the northern lights.  i read up on how to see them in maine, and was prepared to see a few dancing lights on the horizon.  i had no idea they would actually fill the sky.  i've seen several astrological events in my life, but this was by far the coolest.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

a pizza [history]

relatively new to south portland, it’s always sad to see a place that’s been open for so long close its doors. pizza joint, established 1977.  took some photos of it’s last day in operation.