in my spare time i've been dabbling with a few easy sculptures. paper normally sent to the recycle bin have slowly, and through the use of youtube videos, become a swan, a crow and a crow sans tail i think looks like a penguin. believing you should always surround yourself with inspiration, i've kept these little sculptures a my office desk.
apparently, i'm not the only one to find inspiration in them....
when i walked into work today i found another tiny sculpture in the collection. next to the swan, crow, and penguin, was in incredibly intricate paper dragon. i was beyond baffled until i saw the dragon was standing on a post it note. i picked up the note and read it;
"liked your origami. thought you would like this - luke (cleaning crew)
as you can imagine, i was beyond impressed. i was completely fascinated someone i never met or had interaction with, took the time to create this beautiful piece of art. not only was i inspired at his craft, i was incredibly thankful he decided to share it.
luke gave me a reminder today. always keep your eye out for inspiration, and when you find it, share it.