after two years of renting a house, my wife and i are currently in the process of looking to buy. if you take what we want in the house, factor in what we can afford and cross that with what's actually on the market, there's basically nothing out there. every house forces us to look at our priorties and really dig into what we want out of a house....which is fun to do a couple of times, but after every single house, it can be a tad exhausting.
please don't get me wrong, i'm very grateful that my wife and i have jobs and are even in the position to look for a house. i'm just saying that like other moments in life, this has been a frustrating process. so as we check out house after house, weekend after weekend, i've come up with things i’d much rather go through other than house hunting in portland maine:
facebook’s terms of service
moving into my freshman year dorm
a root canal
the perfume department at any mall
the directors cut with commentary of “gigli”
paying for a seminar on toenail fungus
my taxes
yanni’s entire catalog
a new england winter
a plate of gas station sushi
drivers ed
my “frosted tips” phase
my “sweater vest” phase
any season of “the nanny”