Tuesday, September 05, 2017

the [shack] supper

when you're here...you're family.

after the wedding my family stayed in town for another week.  when my wife and i got back from our mini honeymoon, we were able to spend some quality time with them before they headed home.  one particular night, they all wanted to experience a true maine lobster shack.  as i've only been to one a quick google search pointed us in the right direction.  thirty minutes later we were all sitting in the rising tide restaurant, which ended up being a legit lobster shack.  we all ordered various seafood items from the menu, with a few people even going for a whole lobster.

between the cracking of lobster tails and the squirting of lemon slices, people told their favorite stories from the wedding reception.  i had to laugh, not only at some of the hilarity i apparently missed at my own wedding, but because i looked around and realized i was in the middle of something my family does extremely well, telling stories, laughing and enjoying great food.

though we aren't all directly related, this group of people is my family...

and i was so excited to have that group go up in population by one with the addition of my wife.

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