Tuesday, December 30, 2014


to all my digital, blogging and social media-esque friends and family who still read this blog, i hope you're having a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year.

Monday, December 29, 2014

christmas eve [eve]

public at the brickyards 2nd annual christmas eve eve celebration is quickly becoming one of my newest holiday traditions. a wonderful time to celebrate with friends that have returned home for the holidays.  i say quickly because i believe an event has to happen three times for it to be considered a tradition. lets hope this one does.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

a [sketchy] city

with a new moleskin in hand the sketchbook experiment continues.

to keep things interesting this go around i've decided to try more live sketching since in the past, most of the drawings were doodles or fictional buildings. my recent trip to savannah provided the perfect opportunity to try this out.  admittedly, it was harder than i thought. finding a view i liked usually meant i had to stand and draw, finding a way to support the book while holding pens in my mouth and hat.  it was however extremely entertaining and provided me with some wonderful "inked" memories from this amazing city.  below are the two sketches drawn one morning, digitized and cleaned up with photoshop.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

a partridge in a [live oak] tree

in december of 1864 general sherman presented president lincoln the "gift" of savannah georgia. 150 years later savannah ended up being a little christmas gift to my family.  a work conference attended by my dad created a some what spontaneous family vacation when it turned out everyone wanted to visit this fabled southern city.

the city did not disappoint. it was by far one of the most beautiful and friendliest cities i've ever visited. the pictures taken only offer up a fraction of it's charm, but i hope you enjoy them.

Monday, December 01, 2014

[scarry] influence

before thanksgiving dinner, i stumbled upon one of my favorite childhood books, richard scarry’s “best word book ever", a gift i received in 1987. i remember looking at this book constantly as a child. opening it up and thumbing through the pages again, i found myself vividly remembering several of the drawings. looking at the illustrations i was instantly taken back to houses, towns, cities, and other places only existing in this book.

having felt like i had over turned a rock deep in my subconscious i looked at the pages differently, wondering what affect these colorful illustrations may have had on me. a perspective only viewable with the distance time creates.  i noticed “how” things were drawn. houses and even cities were drawn in cross section, a technique i didn't formally learn until architecture school.  as a child though i remember thinking, “oh, I can see what goes on inside the house!” no doubt a way of viewing which makes kids think about spaces and the connections formed between them even when everything isn’t visible.

granted it’s a children’s book, but I love how active everyone is, especially in the city scene. characters are eating on sidewalk cafĂ©’s or catching the bus, one is even enjoying a rooftop patio. a concept i thought was "cool" as a child, now looking at it i found myself wondering what this little rabbit pays for rent.

i’m always fascinated to look back and find objects or events which may have caused my life to take the direction it has, and it’s no stretch to see scarry’s book had some influence.  however the wonderful thing about this book is i could see it influencing a multitude of children and the paths, careers and lifestyles the ended up taking.  i could just as easily see this book influencing a future graphic artists, city planner, photographer, teacher, reporter, dentist or writer.  this book has the amazing ability to spur imagination in several directions. a tactile object you can hold in your hands with static illustrations allowing your own imagination to animate the stories, not a graphics card.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

the [sketchbook] experiment 2

four years ago, i decided i was going to start sketching more.

two years ago i finished my first full sketchbook - post here.

another two years have gone by and i've finished another one.

as i said back in 2012, i wanted to get better at sketching. i'm still not sure if that goal has been reached, but after four years of sketching a few times every week, it's become a habit.  i'll write down project notes, sketch details, or paste photos i think are interesting or evoke some sort of inspiration.  i carry it with me constantly, never knowing when the urge to fill it's pages will hit. it's become a necessity; something i need. not so much in the name of creating art, but in the collection of memories. as i thumb through the pages, i'm able to recall exactly what i was feeling in my life at that moment. it's no work of art, but to me it's pages are priceless.

my next step however scares me. five years ago, i bought a moleskin sketchbook, but felt i was unworthy to ruin it's beautiful blank pages. i decided i would buy cheap sketchbooks, feeling it was a more suitable home for my sketches. however i've discovered these books get terribly beat up accompanying me to work everyday and on trips.

it might just be the moment to move on to the moleskin.

be on the lookout for the [sketchbook] experiment 3, probably sometime in 2017. the sketches might just be on a beautiful ivory background. for now, here are a few of my favorite pages from the past two years.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

lens [life]

i'm not a professional photographer, nor do i claim to be....but i will work for chipotle!

some friends of mine know this fact; and they've asked me to take their photos for several years now.  what started out as a few engagement pictures have now turned into family photos.  not only do i get to practice my portrait photography, but their gift cards and cash have kept me full of those amazingly delicious burritos for the past four years.

it's been wonderful watching this couple go from dating to engaged to parents of a two year old.  maybe by the time he's five i'll have figured out how to get kids to look at the camera.

see the other sets here:

new born
one year