as a kid, every year about this time, i only had one thing on my mind.
"what was i going to learn in school this year?"
would it be cursive? multiplication? algebra? every new year had it's own new challenges, you knew you'd have to encounter. these thoughts continued all the way into architecture school as well. you were very aware of what years you'd be taking structures, architectural history and professional practice.
then you graduate, and suddenly the subjects you learn about are no longer broken down neatly by subject or years, but rather learned on a need to know basis as you work in a firm. given enough time, you can become fairly knowledgeable if you stay in the same spot and location. however sometimes things change. some people go back to school to further their education, some people go back to school to study something else completely, some people start their own firm, some people change firms and some people decide to move to a different part of the country. i did the later. i moved from kansas to maine last spring and at times it has felt like i was going [back to school].
the course list for this new [england] education includes:
-home economics
-foreign language
a book i've become very familiar with this year is the "nfpa 101 - life safety code." portland maine requires code reviews on projects using both the ibc and nfpa. over the past few years i had become familiar with the ibc, but this nfpa book was totally new to me. looking through it the first time it might as well been written in greek. it was organized differently, the verbiage was strange, it defined building uses differently and a few of the allowances were slightly different than what i was use to in the ibc.
also i find myself using the ibc more in depth than before. in the mid-west the majority of my projects were on large parcels of land with substancial distances of separation. currently the majority of the projects i'm working on are in more urban settings. very rarely did i have to look at the separation distance of my building to determine the percentage of openings i'm allowed or if any of them need to be protected. now i do.
another book i've become more familiar with is "the international existing building code." being in a much older city here on the east coast, this book has seen a lot more use than earlier in my architecture "education."
working in wichita for the past decade, i knew how the city permitting process worked, i've met most of the people in the permitting process and knew what to expect. that's all out the window now. i'm still learning how everything works here in portland. who to call and when, what zones are where, what forms need to be filled out, how to submit and how to label what you're submitting. this by far is my most frustrating class this year.
as an architect, i believe you should know the history of the city you live in and when you move to a new city there is a lot of catching up to do. being on the east coast, naturally portland maine has a longer chronological timeline than wichita did and i've enjoyed hearing about the city from as far back as the 1600's. knowing the history of the city starts to help you understand the current make up of the city. why certain areas are historic and why people are building where they do. that's especially true when it comes to all the different neighborhoods found in portland. this class is by far my favorite.
my history "class" and geometry "class" are very closely related. geometry in this case refers to the architectural styles, materials and details, found in the area. learning new styles like "federal" and "colonial revival" not commonly found in the mid-west. studying the proportions of a "triple decker" to better fit into the neighborhood, or what geometries looks better with a shingle-style house.
one class i'm slightly embarrassed to admit i'm learning a lot in is "shop" class, or what you call "wood framed construction." working mostly on commercial and retail projects i was very familiar with details of metal stud connections, however moving to a state that actually has trees finds me working almost completely with wood. it's not a huge difference but it has been an education. as wood framed structures in this city seem to be getting larger i can see me continuing in this class for several years learning how to better detail and fire rate wood structures.
home economics
just like in high school this class is teaching me about the home, or to put it architecturally, residential construction. the majority of my projects are residential, something i've never touched before and something that's taking a bit to get use to. mostly it's a scaling issue in my head. after drawing commercial projects for ten years i knew hallway widths, stairway widths, door heights and other variables for commercial projects. i discovered quickly i was wasting too much valuable residential space on hallways and stairs. i also enjoy residential being more personal. drawing break rooms for offices the past decade, it didn't matter a whole lot where the refrigerator was in relation to the sink, but in someones own home kitchen, it does.
foreign language
i'll just come out and say it... people talk differently here. little phrases and terms that have caused a few chuckles and occasionally a little confusion. just a week here i heard a contractor comment on a project as "wicked cool." a phrase i knew existed but had never heard naturally in the wild. i've also discovered in maine a "camp" is not an entire area with several cabins, pools, mess hall and recreation facilities but rather a just a single cabin. this dramatically changed the scope of work i thought my boss had given me.
and don't even get me started on what it means to go [downeast].
there was always a bit of nervous excitement when you went back to school. that feeling of not exactly knowing what the year would hold, the anxious feeling in your gut that made it difficult to sleep the night before your first day. as an architect i think it's important to keep the feeling coming back throughout your career. staying in a comfort zone won't move you forward [if that was the case i'd still be in mrs. matsons third grade class] just like in school, always learning something new is what propels you forward.
please take a look at the links below from the other #architalks members to see how they approached the topic of "back to school"
Borson - Life of An Architect (@bobborson)
Sears - Business of Architecture
Back to School!
Back to School!
Stanfield - FiELD9: architecture (@FiELD9arch)
Designing Back to School
Designing Back to School
McKeel - Studio MM (@ArchitectMM)
ArchiTalks: "Back To School"
ArchiTalks: "Back To School"
Echols - Architect Of The Internet (@Jeff_Echols)
What Have We Learned? It's Back To School For #ArchiTalks 21
What Have We Learned? It's Back To School For #ArchiTalks 21
Calisti, AIA - Think Architect (@LeeCalisti)
good to go back to school
good to go back to school
R. LePage - EntreArchitect (@EntreArchitect)
Back to School: Marketing for Architects
Back to School: Marketing for Architects
Teagarden - L² Design, LLC (@L2DesignLLC)
4 Tips As You Go Back To School
4 Tips As You Go Back To School
Phalen - Cormac Phalen (@archy_type)
Back to School Again
Back to School Again
Grace Hottel - Michele Grace Hottel, Architect
#architalks 21 "back to school"
#architalks 21 "back to school"
Riscica - Young Architect (@YoungArchitxPDX)
Let’s Get Back To (Architect) School …or Work.
Let’s Get Back To (Architect) School …or Work.
ernst - Soapbox Architect (@bradyernstAIA)
Back to the Cartography Board
Back to the Cartography Board
Paletz - The Emerging Architect (@bpaletz)
Back to School\\
Back to School\\
LaValley - Evolving Architect (@archivalley)
#ArchiTalks / 15 Ways to Make the Most of Your Architectural Education
#ArchiTalks / 15 Ways to Make the Most of Your Architectural Education
George - Architecture By George (@sharonraigeorge)
What's better than architecture after school?
What's better than architecture after school?
Hall - di'velept (@divelept)
Back to {Architecture} School
Back to {Architecture} School
Paul Bell - Drew Paul Bell (@DrewPaulBell)
Back to School...Suckasssssss
Back to School...Suckasssssss
Young Kim - Palo Alto Design Studio (@sokokyu)
Back to School: Seoul Studio
Back to School: Seoul Studio
W. Smith - Architect OWL (@ArchitectOWL)
Back to School...
Back to School...
Denais - Defragging Architecture (@DefragArch)
[ArchiTalks #21] 10 Things Architecture Students Say Going Back to School
[ArchiTalks #21] 10 Things Architecture Students Say Going Back to School
Mehaffey - Yeoman Architect (@jamesmehaffey)
Back to School? It Doesn't Stop there for Architects.
Back to School? It Doesn't Stop there for Architects.
Ung - Journey of an Architect (@timothy_ung)
10 Things I wish I knew about Architecture School
10 Things I wish I knew about Architecture School
This is great! I love your insight and respect your humility. I'm envious of how much learning you've been doing.
It is interesting that moving can feel like going back to school.
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